Thursday, October 2, 2014

Cover for Secret Water

Isn't this a beauty? Happy October to me!

So step 1 was the cover. Step 2 is to run the novella past a couple of beta readers, and once I'm confident that the story works, step 3 will be getting it ready to publish. Copyright and blurb and bio, not to mention selecting a couple of chapters from the novels to add to the back. It's still nerve-wracking, but it'll get easier.

But wait, there's more! Good news, that is, way to start the month off. Before the Storm is on Scribd! Meaning readers can get unlimited stories for a set fee each month, but authors get paid the normal royalty if more than 20% of a book is read. So it's a good deal for everyone.

Besides, no one ever stopped reading that book after the start. :)

And as I was almost done with the first round of edits for The Coldest Sea (plus promotion for The Highest Tide), I got an acceptance from Samhain Publishing for a novella! This one is a standalone, an odd little idea I got when I thought of the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come - you know, the silent faceless wraith who shows Scrooge the vision of his death. I wondered what would happen if that ghost was turned into a human. Before I know it, I'm coming up with a paranormal historical romance - and it'll be out in time for Christmas next year.

Happy October!


gypsyscarlett said...

Many congrats on your novella being accepted. And it sounds like you have so many other exciting things going on. :)

Marian Perera said...

Thanks, Tasha! Yeah, having multiple writing projects going is like juggling eggs. Just keep them all in the air somehow and don't ever take your eyes off them. :)