Do slaves try to escape?
In the antebellum South, slaves knew that if they could reach northern states, they could be free. This won’t always operate in fantasy worlds, though. There may be nowhere slaves can go, if their homes are destroyed or if there’s simply no method of transportation to a safer place. I’ve read of slaves crossing the Ohio River when it froze in winter; crossing a larger body of water – or other substance – might not be an option.
And there are other ways to force people – mentally or physically – to remain in such a situation. In 1851, a doctor actually diagnosed a mental condition called drapetomania, which made slaves try to run away from their owners. Now, of course, that’s recognized as pseudoscience, but it made me think of psychic coercions that wouldn’t allow slaves to go a certain distance from whatever household they served. They couldn’t escape if they wanted to.
Or such magic could simply remove the knowledge of any other place from their minds. Even if you drew them a map of how to reach freedom, it would vanish from their short-term memories instantly. Their master’s household would be the single familiar island in a great unknown sea.
There are so many possibilities when it comes to twisting someone’s mind, and this can often come off as both subtler and more cruel than simply beating them.
What methods are used to break bonds between slaves?
In Karne, one of the lands in my manuscript Dracolytes, prisoners of war are always split up, dispersed throughout the land and renamed. The removal of one’s cultural and personal identity is a powerful method of control. One of the most vivid moments in The Handmaid's Tale
“I am Ofglen,” the woman says. Word perfect. And of course she is, the new one, and Ofglen, wherever she is, is no longer Ofglen.
A fantasy could take this even further. If slaves came from different races – some of which might resemble the owners’ species a bit too closely for comfort – perhaps their facial appearances are altered by magic so they all look alike, and strikingly different from their owners. Magic could also take away their memories of families. Or for an even more effective touch, make them believe that their families sold them away.
If slaves have any kind of special abilities, how are these used or controlled?
Innate magical abilities or skills complicate matters. In the world of Nux Varas, in my story Redemption, the Variants all have such skills. So in prison camps, other Variants of other (favored) races are placed in supervisory positions over prisoners. Not only do those other Variants have abilities just as deadly, it’s also a way to ensure that the Variants as a whole aren’t likely to unite.
Magical constraints could also be used to prevent slaves from using any particular abilities – or to ensure that slaves could only employ such abilities when their owners are willing. And the possibilities are endless. Imagine someone taking away some fundamental part of you, like your creativity or imagination and placing it into a small solid form, like a fly in a drop of amber. I wonder how far I might go to periodically get that part of myself back.
Having your creative abilities removed and turned into a rock or a beanstalk is such a novel idea. I can run with this idea. Thanks.
Having my creative abilities removed would be nightmarish to me. I'd definitely read a novel about that. Although it would be more horror to me than fantasy!
You're welcome, Marge. :) It's inspired by a story/folktale that I read years ago, where animals were able to speak because they wore little pouches (containing magic, maybe) around their necks. IIRC, the timberwolf stole the bear's pouch, though the bear got it back eventually.
I liked the idea of something that's an intrinsic part of us being in a physical form that could be taken away.
Doesn't need to stop at creative abilities, Tasha. What about eyes or a mouth? If you could only have those temporarily, and with someone else's permission, you'd probably stay on that person's good side.
I scare myself sometimes. :)
That's awfully interesting. But has anyone tried doing serfdom in fantasy? That's the state of being legally bound to some land, and it used to be widespread in Europe.
Also, has anyone tried doing magical industralism? Instead of physically-powered machines, it would have magically-powered machines, complete with sorcerers to keep the machines going with their sorcery.
One can find something like that in Arthurian lore. Geoffrey of Monmouth, in his History of the Kings of Britain, described how the sorcerer Merlin had built Stonehenge by moving its stones into place with his sorcery.
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