I’m back! Finally recovered and caught up on the classwork I missed while I was ill. NaNo is shot, of course.
Plus, I did a bit of reading while I was recuperating, which was when I found an, um, interesting use of description. It was a paragraph describing how the heroine happened to be an orphan, and it read something like this.
Her father had shot her mother three times in the chest with a Winchester pump-action 12 gauge shotgun before putting a .357 caliber bullet in her head.
Focusing on the hardware rather than the humanity is not a good way to make readers connect emotionally to a character. In fact, presenting a traumatic event in this police-report way is likely to have the opposite effect. Either the readers will detach from the story, or they’ll wonder if the author has a gun fetish, or both.
This technique’s distaff counterpart is the detailed description of the characters’ clothes and accessories. It has its place – Confessions of a Shopaholic
Sometimes it’s necessary to include such details. Frederick Forsyth’s The Day of the Jackal
Most writers enjoy writing some kind of description – with me, it’s scientific equipment and clothes – but this has to be held in check and used in the correct place. Much like the Winchester pump-action 12 gauge shotgun, come to think about it.
Geeze! No one else has said it yet?
Welcome back, Marian. We missed you.
Thanks, Randall! It's good to be back, especially with the recent Harlequin developments. I'm following those with some interest.
Hope things are going well for you too. I checked your blog to see if there was any news, but... you know. :)
Well, if you want one with content, you should check out my Livejournal. Warning: possibly too much news.
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